Teekkari Cap permission
In this page you will find both annual Cap permission granted by the board of OTY and also the instructions to write your own Cap permission application.
Teekkari Cap is a summer cap. People in Oulu with the right to wear the Cap can wear it without separate permission from the 30th of April to 30th of September. The permission starts around 12 noon when the OTY Chairperson declares the Wappu officially open. On the last day of September all Caps will be laid for winter rest in a ceremony following the Freshmen capping.
After this Teekkari Cap and Freshman cap can be only worn with a permission. In some occasions the annual permissions to wear the Cap granted by OTY Board stand. In most cases one has to apply for permission by writing a Teekkari Cap application.
Instructions for Cap permission application 2021:
1. Application must be written on the Official Paper.
3. Write your contact information to the paper, so OTY Board can contact you to tell if your application passed or not.
5. Begin your Application with OTY Chairperson’s toast raising words “Ei tänne häviämään ole tultu!”
7. The application needs to clearly explain to which occasion / trip the permission is applied, for what time period and who will be wearing the Cap. So write these down.
9. One must integrate following words to the Application: badger, current, rave, sublimate, mosh, boundless and dimwitted. You can conjugate the words or use plurals.
11. You must include two (2) very technical words in to your application that aren’t from the field of your study. Write short explanations of these words to the end of your application.
13. Attach a visual representation how the Teekkari cap would be held in the event. You are free to choose your style and form of art but the end product must be possible to archive easily, it can’t grow the size of the application more than one centimetre, it won’t mess the application or it’s surroundings and it can’t weigh more than the Culture Swine.
15. Deliver your application to the Board of OTY at least five work days before the event where you are applying the permission. If delivered late, you’ll need to do an act of Teekkari culture. For example, do a jäynä or tempaus, write new words to a song or perform a singing exam to the Swine. You can attach prove of the act in the application or send them to OTY by other routes.
Annual Cap permissions 2021
You don’t need to apply for permission to use Teekkari Cap for events and situations listed below.
- TeeKu, Teekkaritorvet and Cassiopeia in public graduation ceremonies and during other concerts.
- People receiving diplomas at public graduation ceremonies for the whole day till the next morning 6 AM.
- For heralds and flag-bearers in the events of the Student Union and the University of Oulu.
- People marketing the technology or architecture studies of University of Oulu in schools or in expos.
- People selling tickets at OTY ticket stands.
- People at the stands in Abipäivät of University of Oulu.
- During Finland’s Independence Day the people participating in the Torchlight Procession of some Student Union.
- To OYY events where other students would wear student cap, OTY can grant permission on occasion.
- During official portrait and marketing photo shoots.